          維基解密:美中關係展望-8(行動與不干涉,2008.02.24) 維基解密:美中關係展望-8(行動與不干涉,2008.02.24) 【Comment】中華秩序只見上下,不見水平。所以,民間社會是扶植出來的:有用則用,無用就壓。 Vi 室內設計ewing cable 08BEIJING661, Prospects for U.S.-China Relations●WikiLeaks(2008.02.24) ACTIVISM VS. NON-INTERFERENCE 商務中心 ----------------------------- 隨著經濟成長,中國有自信能發展非西方的民主,抵抗美國的人權。同時,中國領導者看出發展有限的民間社會的好處,包 酒店經紀a>括改善法治與受控制的宗教、非政府組織,慈善團體以及其他能增進社會穩定卻不挑戰共產黨專政。中國雖然只能容忍緩慢與有限的改變,仍向美國開放這些領域。在西藏與新疆,對分離主義的恐 澎湖民宿懼,讓中國採取嚴厲手段壓制民間社會。我們應該繼續施壓中國,以便使其回復正常的人權對話,簽訂雙邊協議,以建立定期高層的資訊交換管道。在這些會談中,我們應該持續表達對北京得人權記錄表達嚴重關切?21世紀房屋仲介A並邀其加強尊重人權、宗教自由和法治,這將對中國所追求的社會穩定與國際形象非常有幫助。雲程譯,感謝feema大提供 其8. (C) Part of the debate over China's role as stakeholder stems from differing views on Chi 襯衫na's long-standing, expedient policy of "non-interference." Since the beginning of the reform era, China has generally followed Deng Xiaoping's advice to maintain a low profile and focus on its own development. In this spirit, China 裝潢's pledge of "non-interference" in other nations' affairs became a pillar of China's declared foreign policy. More recently, some have viewed President Hu Jintao's trademark "Harmonious World" policy as a subtle renunciation of non-interferen 結婚西裝ce that acknowledges the need for China to be engaged in a globalized world. One prominent foreign policy expert told us that while China is still "feeling its way" on an activist foreign policy, Beijing will continue to move toward greater engagement and less "non-interference. 住商房屋" XXXXXXXXXXXX said more bluntly that China's non-interference policy "has always been flexible" and that China is comfortable in an activist role whe it wants to be. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒肉朋友  .

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